Bloom Room
1 Dozen Signature Bouquet
1 Dozen Signature Bouquet
Indulge in Elegance: Introducing Our Long Stem Bouquet
Elevate the art of gifting with our exquisite Long Stem Bouquet, a mesmerizing arrangement crafted to captivate the senses and celebrate life's special moments.
Each bouquet features a dozen extra-long stem roses, meticulously selected to measure over an impressive 3.5-4ft in length. Delicately wrapped in our iconic luxury waterproof paper, our bouquet not only embodies sophistication but also ensures lasting freshness and beauty.
Designed for effortless elegance, our flat lay bouquet seamlessly transitions from gift to centerpiece, effortlessly enhancing any space. Simply place it directly into a clear glass vase at home to preserve its stunning wrapping style and let its allure adorn your surroundings.
Whether it's for Mother's Day, an anniversary, or a birthday, our Long Stem Bouquet is the epitome of refined taste, making it the perfect gesture for the woman in your life who appreciates the finer things. Make every occasion unforgettable with this timeless expression of love and admiration.
Experience the luxury of flowers redefined with our Long Stem Bouquet. Order now and let elegance blossom